The Greater Ashtabula Chamber of Commerce was established in 1887 as the Chamber of Commerce of Ashtabula and was renamed the Greater Ashtabula Chamber of Commerce in 2015. Since 1887, it has served as the area’s leading referral service for Membership businesses. More than 400 Members work together to improve their business and build a better community in which to live. The strength of the Chamber lies in attracting the greatest number of Members, which creates a pool of resources to draw ideas, energy and leadership.
Chamber Board of Directors
Dave Bogardus

Past Chair
Jenny Luhta

Chair Elect
Denise DiDonato
University Hospitals

Patty White
Citizen Member

Krista Shean
Board of Directors
Paul Bolino
Community Counseling Center

Scott Coblitz
A. Louis Supply/MDR Corp.

Denise Cousins
Citizen Member

Chris Panzone
In the Zone Gaming

Heather Starcheski
Ashtabula County Medical Center

Rebekah Spencer

Jewel White

Chamber Staff
Greg Church
Executive Director

Interested in joining the Greater Ashtabula Chamber Board?
Our Mission
To advocate for business by engaging our members and connecting communities to improve Ashtabula County.
2024 Award Recipients
Business Excellence Award
JCI Contractors, Inc.

Community Outreach Award
The Kendall Foundation

Business Person of the Year
Dave Bogardus, Erie Bank

NOACC Bright Star Award
Barb Taylor, The Pub